Friday, December 11, 2009

Is plucking out blackheads with tweezers from my large nose pores going to damage my pores even more?

I've tried everything from retin-A micro the highest concentration, to tazorac, to sulfur masks, to salicylic and glycolic acids, and nothing works. They keep on multiplying and increasing in size! I've tried those blackhead removers but they dont seem to work, that or I've got no skill in that area. The only thing i feel that works is plucking them out with a tweezer since their tails are already way above surface, but does anyone know if this is damaging to the skin and will make my pores even bigger? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!Is plucking out blackheads with tweezers from my large nose pores going to damage my pores even more?
I don't know about it making your pores any bigger, but I still wouldn't do it!! It's spreading bacteria, and might cause more pores to become clogged. Just make sure to exfoliate, at least twice a week, and that should help with your blackheads.鈥?/a>

^ Those are some scrubs just for helping with blackheads.Is plucking out blackheads with tweezers from my large nose pores going to damage my pores even more?
Have you tried the nose strips? They seem to pull those suckers out!
It might scar your face from doing that. I've got blackheads i just use a face wash that is made for blackheads. Those pore stipes do work you have to do it right. Wet your nose put the pore strip on then let it set there for about 15 min then rip it off like a bandaid. Just make sure the sticky side is on your nose when using the pore strip.
Both blackheads and whiteheads form because of excess skin cells being shed and plugging your pores. In order to prevent blackheads from forming in the first place, exfoliate your skin on a regular basis with something like a basic apricot scrub. This will help remove the dead skin cells before they get the chance to clog your pores.

For those blackheads or whiteheads that already exist, there are many products on the market that claim to be able to help you remove those pesky blemishes. Try pore strips from companies like Ponds or Neutrogena. They can remove debris from the pores without risk of damaging the skin. Avoid pushing on the blocked pores as you might push the blackhead or whitehead deeper into the pore and that can result in infection.
I have the same exact problem. This WORKS.... first when i get out of the showers the room is full of steam so that opens your pores. I use a nose strip on my nose, under my mouth and on the forehead. (My face is wet still from coming right out of the showers) Anyways 15 minutes later I remove the strips and use MAC exfoliating mask. I let that dry out 15-20 minutes ( depends how thick of a layer you put on) and when it is completely dry. I use the tip of all my fingers and start to massage my face to remove the dry mask. Then rinse with Hot, hot water and then with cold, cold water. (this closes the pores) MY FACE FEELS SO GOOD AND CLEAN after all that. Also best for you to use SPF 30 or higher on your face before you put on makeup.

THIS TRULY WORKS... i HAD the same problem.

I only do the strips twice a week, but use the exfoliating mask everyday.


only bad thing to say it is high maintenance and a bit expensive. But like i said before IT WORKS !!!
i think yes, but I also doing the same thing in some of my blackheads, try to visit some facial center, they can help you more. see ya!
Wellllll... my sister and I have both done it and our pores still look the same size. I imagine it's not something you're ';supposed'; to do.. but it's so tempting, isn't it?!

Also, I love to use St. Ives Apricot Scrub maybe every other day or so. Try this. It will help to exfoliate your skin and leave you soft and smooth.

Have you tried exfoliating face masks?

I know I haven't had luck with the ';strips';.

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