Saturday, December 5, 2009

What's the best way to stop Oily sensetive skin and blackheads on face?

washing face tips?What's the best way to stop Oily sensetive skin and blackheads on face?
Wash you face 3 times with sensitive skin facial soap. Use astringent to keep your pores clean, they also have that for sensitive skin. The blackheads are pores that have filled up with stuff in the air or when you touch your face. Also use a toner to close the pores after you have used the astringent. Sounds like a lot of work but sensitive skin and black heads require lots of cleansing and not touching your face..What's the best way to stop Oily sensetive skin and blackheads on face?
i bought this green tea face scrub when i was in hong kong it works great
try netuogena acne scrub
Dilute cider vinegar and water (1 part vinegar, 3 parts water) and use it as a toner after cleansing. It's great for clearing up acne and blackheads, absorbing oils and balancing skin pH.
wow that's a big prob you have...btw, how old r u?

Just wash your face trice a day-just be careful with d brand you are getting.

*Caution-too much washing a day will dry your skin IF you are using th the wrong product.

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