Saturday, June 26, 2010

Have you ever had a blackhead so big...?

that when you squeezed it scrambled eggs came out?Have you ever had a blackhead so big...?
Na man I keep ma puss shutHave you ever had a blackhead so big...?
Thanks...... you've just put me off my breakfast!
Your parents must be very proud of you.
No, but i do like to get my hands on a nice juicy spot, can i do urs?
haha!! lol. i wouldnt be surprised!
Yeah, his name was Leroy.
HAHAHAHAHA brilliant!

I looooove squeezing spots, but i dont get any now :o(
omg...thats gross

pmsl :)
Erghhhh hun..... I wont ever look at a scrambled egg again in the same way x
Not personally, but I once had a huge abscess that had a bit on it like string and if you pulled it it was like pulling a plug on the pus and it would just gush out like an oil well thing!

I once had a boyfriend who had a blackhead on his back that was so big that when I finished squeezing it, it took 2 weeks, it removed an inch of his tattoo!!

I LOVE squeezing blackheads SOOOOO much I sometimes go to bed with my make up on so I can have a few on my otherwise blemish free skin!

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